Some recent progress on the mathematical analysis of the Prandtl boundary layer equation
时间: 2018-04-25 16:20-17:20
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
From local to global dynamics in competitive systems
时间: 2018-04-12 16:20-17:20
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Aposteriori error control and adaptivity for Schrodinger equations
演讲者:Theodoros Katsaounis(阿卜杜拉国王科技大学&克里特大学)
时间: 2018-04-04 09:30-10:30
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Inequalities for eigenvalues of sums of self-adjoint operators and related intersection problems
演讲者:Wing Suet Li (佐治亚理工学院)
时间: 2018-03-15 16:20-17:20
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Two-level schemes for the advection equation
演讲者:Petr N. Vabishchevich(俄罗斯东北联邦大学)
时间: 2018-03-08 16:20-17:20
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
时间: 2018-02-06 16:10-17:10
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Some Developments in Semiparametric Models in Survival Analysis
时间: 2018-01-31 16:10-17:10
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Galerkin method for scattering problem of a slit
时间: 2018-01-15 16:10-17:10
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Efficient and accurate numerical methods for solving fractional PDEs
演讲者:Jie Shen(普渡大学 & 厦门大学)
时间: 2018-01-11 15:00-16:00
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Asymptotic behavior of principal eigenvalue for linear second order elliptic operators
演讲者:楼元教授(Ohio State University/ 人民大学)
时间: 2017-12-19 14:00-15:00
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Discovery, Design and Analysis of Multidrug Combinations: Big Data, Systems and Experiments
时间: 2017-12-14 15:00-17:00
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅
Computational methods for the dynamics of the nonlinear Schroedinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equations
时间: 2017-12-13 15:00-16:00
地点:慧园3栋 415报告厅